Cranberries - Linger
if you
if you could return
don't let it burn don't let it fade
i'm sure i won't be rude
but it's just your attitude
it's tearing me apart it's ruining everyday.
I swore, I swore I would be true
but honey so did you
so why were you holding her hand
is that the way we stand
were you lying all the time
was it just a game to you
But I miss you
you know I'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger
Oh, I thought I loved you
I thought that nothing could go wrong
but I was wrong
I was wrong
If you, if you could get by
trying not to lie
things wouldn't be so confused
and I wouldn't feel so used
but you always ruin you
I just wanna be with you
and I miss you
you know I'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger
and I miss you
you know I'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger
you know I'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger
Přehled komentářů
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Love Knows No Gender: A Look at Gay Men and Intended
(Davidsloni, 23. 4. 2023 4:37)
Pleasure is a boundless experience that transcends all boundaries, including gender and animal orientation. Gay men are no against to this, as they too own the place to sort chasmal and tell-tale fancied connections with others.
Howsoever, consideration the advance that has been мейд in current years promoting greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, gay men silent look solitary challenges when it comes to honey and relationships. Perceptiveness, bad mark, and societal pressures can all order it more demanding payment gay men to consider courageous in their facility to love and be loved.
Only of the most distinguished aspects of any loving relationship is communication and trust. In place of gay men, being clever to talk with openly and objectively with their partners is pivotal, particularly in the reputation of societal pressures that may try to harm their relationship. Trusting in their buddy's preference and commitment can help gay men to build strong, lasting relationships that are based on interactive admire and support.
Another significant piece in gay men's relationships is the need for the treatment of fervent association contact and intimacy. While coupling can certainly be a division of a loving relationship, it is not the alone or even the most important aspect. Emotional intimacy, such as cuddling, sharing stories and experiences, and simply being there after each other, can be upright as mighty in erection a spicy, fulfilling relationship.
Consideration the challenges that gay men may face when it comes to fancy and relationships, it is discernible that they are fair-minded as effective of forming deep, loving connections as anyone else. Alongside working to bested the barriers that wood in their course and celebrating the dissimilitude of devotion in all its forms, we can spawn a world where all individuals, regardless of sex orientation, can win the amity and delight they deserve.
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(Thomasepiff, 15. 4. 2023 17:01)
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Крепеж Москва
(Warrenpob, 15. 4. 2023 16:14)
По виду головки шурупы подразделяют на шурупы с потайными, полупотайными, полукруглыми и шестигранными головками
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Фитинги для контейнеров - угловые крепления контейнера обеспечивающее надежную фиксацию для безопасной транспортировки
Фитинги угловые для контейнеров стандарта ISO (ГОСТ 20527-82) выдерживают
Как надежный партнер, мы стараемся всегда держать в наличии базовые изделия как российских, так и зарубежных производителей: анкерная техника, метрический крепеж и перфорация, такелажный крепеж, дюбельная техника, саморезы и шурупы, расходные материалы
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Дюбель-винт, как крепежное изделия для электромонтажа, представляет собой заостренный стержень с резьбой, на который напрессована стальная центрирующая шайба
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Примечание:Конструктивный элемент винта для передачи крутящего момента может представлять головку со шлицем, головку с накаткой или, при отсутствии головки, шлиц в торце стержня
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Фитинг Труба
(Warrenpob, 12. 4. 2023 18:29)
Самыми традиционными знакомыми каждому с детства метизами являются гвозди
Они бывают обычными из стальной проволоки, с рифленой ножкой (такие тяжелее потом выдернуть), сделанные из закаленной стали специально для работы с бетоном
Популярны так же оцинкованные и медные гвозди, применяемые в неблагоприятных природных условиях
Они не ржавеют даже при повышенной влажности
ГОСТ Р 50793-95(ИСО 4017-88) Болты с шестигранной головкой с резьбой до головки классов А и В
1996 Предисловие 1 РАЗРАБОТАН
Петля крепежная предназначена для надежного закрепления груза (товара) при транспортировке, обеспечивая при этом эффективное и безопасное удержание груза, как в движении, так и в состоянии покоя,
Стандарт ГОСТ 28778-90 распространяется на стальные самоанкерующиеся распорные болты, с заклинивающим элементом видов климатических исполнений У3
1, У3 и УХЛЗ по ГОСТ 15150, предназначенные для
Производство стальных пальцев: палец полумуфты, поршневые пальцы, шарнирные пальцы, установочные пальцы, палец тормозного механизма, пальцы газовой защиты для труб, палец муфты, бильные пальцы,
Перфорированная оцинкованная стальная лента используется как вспомогательный фиксатор при выполнении сложных узлов деревянных конструкций
Ее легко разрезать на фрагменты
Применяется и в качестве крепления неметаллических изделий к древесине
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(Danieljoura, 12. 4. 2023 16:45)
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Функциональность кухни всегда будет на первом плане
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Что касается цветового сочетания, то такие кухни обладают правилом , зачастую одним из них может выступать базовый оттенок или фактурный, под дерево
My Sheila Parable Dating: A Journey of Predilection, Expansion, and Self-Discovery
(JimmyPaugh, 11. 4. 2023 17:35)
Dating can be an energizing to the present time nerve-wracking ordeal, exceptionally when you join someone who you can get the drift a subsequent with. This was the trunk for me when I met my girlfriend, and our relationship has been a tour of lady-love, intumescence, and self-discovery. In this article, I will share my inamorata whodunit dating and how our relationship has impacted my life.
Get-together My Girlfriend
I met my girlfriend at a coffee peach on while I was studying looking for an exam. She was sitting across from me, and we both kept glancing at each other. After a while, she came over with to my flatland and introduced herself. We started chatting, and I was as soon as pinched to her discernment of humor and intelligence. We exchanged numbers, and the repose is history.
The early stages of our relationship were filled with action and getting to identify each other. We went on dates, had deep conversations, and laughed a lot. I knew early on that I wanted to pursue a grim relationship with her because of how much she aligned with my values and goals in life.
The Challenges of Long-Distance
After a infrequent months of dating, my girlfriend had to hasten to another position an eye to a chore opportunity. This was a recalcitrant convenience life suited for us because we had grown so close in a short amount of beforehand, and now we would bear to navigate a long-distance relationship. We мейд the settling to prolong our relationship and mark where it would go.
The long-distance point of view of our relationship was challenging, but it also allowed us to grow apart and as a couple. We had to learn how to convey effectively, custody each other, and create time for each other consideration the distance. We also made undeviating to visit each other regularly and pattern fun activities to look forward to.
The Journey of Self-Discovery
Being in a dangerous relationship has taught me a luck give myself and what I want in life. I obtain well-informed to spread better, be more unaggressive, and compromise when necessary. My girlfriend has also been a source of maintain and encouragement as I track my dreams.
At one of the biggest lessons I give birth to well-grounded is the significance of self-care and winning be attracted to of my unstable health. It's light to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of spirit, but having someone who cares for the sake me has made me make a reality the importance of winsome breaks, seeking psychoanalysis when needed, and prioritizing my well-being.
Looking Shortly before the Subsequent
Now, my girlfriend and I be subjected to been together in regard to from two years, and our relationship continues to prosper stronger every day. We have talked concerning our later together, including our shared goals and plans. It's exciting to contain someone who supports me and who I can support in return.
In conclusion, my wench account dating has been a tour of love, proliferation, and self-discovery. Assembly my girlfriend was a turning trait in my pungency, and our relationship has taught me so much there myself and what I demand in life. While the challenges of long-distance were obstinate, it allowed us to grow stronger as a couple. I am discomfited as a service to our later together and look forward to what it holds.
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Обратиться в сервис можно с любыми проблемами техники. Мы починим ноутбук, если он не включается, тормозит, зависает или показывает синий экран, а после ремонта предоставим гарантию на работы и запчасти, которые использовали для замены. Полный перечень услуг указан на нашем сайте
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(JimmyGlaph, 26. 4. 2023 11:01)